How to Deal With Life´s Setbacks

4 Ways Snow Is a Great Stress-Reliever
With the first major snow storm of the season about to hit many people are stressed out. So while people plan to dig in at home and then dig out, be aware of the many healthy positives about all that scary snow.
7 Money Saving Tips that Improve Your Health
To save money you can start making deposits in your health savings account immediately. Here are some tips to live better on less:
A New Way to Journal to Manage Your Stress
I have a new approach on recording your thoughts which is more likely to create a relaxation response and I am excited to present it you.
COVID-19: A War of Intolerance
One would think there would be great unity during a pandemic. Instead two opposing groups are stressing everyone out with judgment like a bad family dinner.
Do You Give Up or Do You Let Go?
For the holidays and the New Year you might consider letting go as one of your resolutions for self-improvement.
Don't Feel Responsible for Everybody’s Happiness!
Many women are archetypal rescuers – they feel responsible for the happiness of those in their immediate circle. However, by taking care of everyone’s needs, you actually cripple that person because he does not develop traits like: independent thinking, courage, or compassion.
Donating Feminine Hygiene Products for the Poor?
Did you know that the most requested item other than food in shelters and pantries nationwide are feminine hygiene products for teen girls and women? While food donations are actively called for, who would have thought of donating feminine hygiene products? A man of course!
Great Movie Therapy for Recession Stress
This year’s Oscar contenders share a golden thread which lifts the audience out of a “dark knight”- HOPE. Movies are also a form of inexpensive and quick therapy.
How Alzheimer’s Caregivers Survive Their Ordeal
An Alzheimer’s caregiver needs a special arsenal to deal with a loved one because of language impairment. Here’s how to maintain a caring relationship despite cognitive decline.
How NOT to Be a Desperate Housewife
The popularity of ABC´s new comedy-drama Desperate Housewives, can mean only one thing: Many of us identify with the theme. If you are looking for the essentials of happiness, to feel more positive and energetic, so that you don’t live a life of quiet desperation, here are some suggestions:
How to Cope With One Disaster After Another
It’s been one disaster after another. As a result, we absorb the negativity and transfer it to our daily lives in subtle ways. We can learn how to manage our stress levels from these wild weather patterns. Life is a series of obstacles that we have to sweep away to clear the path. Here´s how.
How to Deal with Difficult Family
We choose our friends, or they choose us, but family is a hand-me-down. How do we handle family members who are negative, critical, unfeeling and domineering?
How to Deal with Grief - Don´t Rush the Process
Too often we are in a hurry to deal with grief. Ironically, when we grieve, we expand our heart instead of constrict it in a knot of unresolved despair. If you are patient with the grieving process, here are some of the good things grief can do for you:
How to Deal with the Bullies in Your Life
Many of us play the part of the victim in our daily dramas. Bullies come in different guises. Here are some suggestions to help you break the pattern of the perpetual victim:
How to Fill an Empty Nest
You have built your life around the kids and because you have done your job right, the last little bird is about to fly away. How will you fill up your life?
How to Finally Let Go of Guilt
You might be surprised to learn that it’s not just a crime or a lie that makes most of us feel guilty, rather happiness and fun.
How to Find the Calm After the Storm
We all watched in horror as a storm wiped out New Orleans. When a hurricane hits your life, make peace with it and adapt. If you are rigid, consumed with anger or expect a traditional miracle, it might prove to be the worst of times for you.
How to Get More Will Power
“I wish I had your will power,” people often tell me when they see me at the gym or read my writing. What is will power anyway? Apparently, it is the vast wasteland between I will and I won’t.
How to Handle Your Friend’s Job Loss
Someone you know is probably out of work at this very moment whether it is a neighbor, friend or family member – maybe it is your spouse. You tiptoe around the laid-off person not knowing how to interact, what to say or not say. Here’s how to deal:
How to Maintain Your Balance When Life is Unstable
All of us try to coast through life by doing the same things that seem to work. However, no one can remain at equilibrium. You need to leave your comfort zone to be truly happy and sustain it!
How to Make the Past Work for You
It is great to fully experience the present and not dilute it with invasive thoughts of the past or even future worries - the way animals live moment to moment; however, humans are far more complex. Here are 7 Steps to understand where you’ve been to get where you want to go.
How to Manage Unruly Parent
When our parents need help, but refuse it; when they have endless demands, but we never do enough; when they are incapable of activities of daily living, but deny it, we become stressed, unhappy and confused. Here are some suggestions.
How To Manage Your Brexit Stress
Reeling from Brexit? Take a deep breath and know that in the larger context, this too shall pass. Change is usually destabilizing and many people already have a negativity bias. Overload and adaptation is the cycle of nature. Here’s how to cope:
How to Raise Your Spirit in a Falling Market
Stressful times require us to draw from a synergy of de-stressing techniques, so that you can move away from internally-driven stressors like shame, a lack of empowerment, loss and grief.
How to Refresh a Stale Relationship - Take the Stale out of Stalemate
We tend to look to others to stimulate us and drive happiness into our hearts. We remember that special kiss on the beach and hope to recapture the magic. We imprison ourselves with these longings because we want to distract ourselves from our reality. Here’s how to have a romance with life:
How to Release Regret
It feels good to be bad once in awhile because we liberate ourselves from restrictions. Regrets fall into a different category. Since everyone experiences some sort of regret when reflecting on the past, it only becomes a problem if:
How to Rid Yourself of Anger and Live Happily Ever After
We expend a great deal of energy feeling angry. However, who are we really angry at? In order to overcome anger we have to address the source. Here are some suggestions:
How to Shake Feeling Like a Failure
Did you know that failure can turn out to be a good thing?
How You Can Become a Time Traveler
Mental time travel is represented in the sensory motor systems that regulate human movement. Your thoughts can move you backwards or forwards.
It’s a Beautiful Day. Don’t Miss It
Even at the very end, when we think we have nothing to contribute, nothing new to give birth to, we can make the biggest changes and do the most good.
It’s Time to Take Care of Your Self
The holidaze are coming. Give yourself or a friend the gift of healing and optimism. In "Changing Habits" you will find my best concrete strategies and most uplifting and unusual stories to help you simplify and reconnect to your essential happiness.
Lessons Learned From a Perfect Storm
Stress management tips for extreme stress from a Hurricane Sandy evacuee. Even when you lose power, you still have power.
Loneliness Is Contagious
Many people who feel lonely never admit that they are lonely because loneliness carries the connotation of being a “loser.” Interesting to note: women are more likely to catch loneliness from other lonely people.
Manage the Stress of Coronavirus
The coronavirus fills us with fear because of its mysterious origin, ambiguous end date and the tremendous change which suddenly has altered our daily lives. Essentially, all three conditions exploded at once! Here¡¦s how to manage:
No Title
The holidaze are coming. Give yourself or a friend the gift of healing and optimism. In "Changing Habits" you will find my best concrete strategies and most uplifting and unusual stories to help you simplify and reconnect to your essential happiness.
Post Sandy Stress Syndrome
It is easier to vent about waiting on a long line or cutting ahead of others to beat the system than dealing with a fundamental loss or grief. Here is what to watch out for and how to cope with all that stress:
Sciatica – Whom Are You Angry At?
What did this pain symbolize? All transformations involve some sort of pain. Could I beat this pain? I decided to get along with it and get to know it better.
The Benefits of Quitting
We were taught since we were small children: “Don’t be a quitter. Keep trying!” Quitting can involve letting go of the past: Communal values, rituals, parental expectations and personal dreams. It can be courageous and compassionate to stop beating our heads against a brick wall.
The Clique Factor – How to Cope with Exclusion
We all know about school cliques and how painful they can be to children. However, many of us don’t realize the power cliques wield in our adult lives. Here is how adults can move past feelings of exclusion.
The Positive Side Effects of COVID-19
The corona virus has triggered dramatic life altering changes in lightning speed. However, some changes might actually take hold, helping us to revise hand-me-down customs for the better. Did you know that after a tsunami and a forest fire the land becomes more fertile?
The Silver Lining of Social Distancing
Social distancing has been especially hard for most of us because we are tribal by nature and love getting together with family and friends. With all this free time and space we can percolate what makes us truly happy.
The Surprising Stress the Oil Spill Has On You
The BP oil spill has leaked into every American home which owns a TV and reads a newspaper, reminding us of personal memories that made us feel powerless as far back as childhood.
There’s Oy in Joy: How to Detox From Disaster
We love the high of happiness, but the pressure to be happy is making us upset, especially during the holidays- the oy in joy. Then the unthinkable happens. Stress-management during a crisis means:
There’s Recess in Recession
The recession can help you create recess in your life. There is great productivity in rest: you come back better.
Three Words That Can Change Your Life
When adversity strikes, we are ready to listen to anyone who can help alleviate our pain and grief. These three words profoundly changed my life.
Tsunami Lesson – How to Deal With Life’s Setbacks
We have no choice but to accept the devastation, to learn from it and move forward to rebuild. That’s a good parallel lesson for us to learn when we get hit by an emotional tidal wave in our personal lives.
What I Learned From a Bag Lady
I was recently given a poignant gift at a senior workshop. Rose wanted to share an experience. “Do you have a moment?"
What to Do When You Expect the Worst
The world has changed and you are probably feeling de-stabilized and out of alignment. What should you do when the fortune cookie you crack open is negative?
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