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How to Calculate your Carbon Footprint

Your carbon footprint is how much carbon dioxide (CO2) your lifestyle causes to be emitted into our Earth's atmosphere every year. This carbon dioxide is created by the car you drive, the planes you fly in, the oil you burn to heat your house, and so on.

Why does this matter? Isn't carbon dioxide a normal substance that humans and other animals breathe out normally? That's true, but because of the high levels of carbon dioxide creation in our modern times by all our cars and factories, we are putting out far more CO2 than mankind ever has in the past. Many scientists feel it's this high level of CO2 in our atmosphere which is causing global climate change and damaging the world wide ecosystem. If we can all reduce the pollution and excess CO2 we create, we can help keep our world in a more pristine shape!

This calculator will step you through how to determine your carbon footprint, and provide advice on how to lessen your impact on our world!

Step 1 - Home Energy Usage

1. How much do you spend a month on your electricity bill, in US dollars?

We all know how critical it is to save electricity. Every light you turn off, every device you unplug, saves you money and also stops pollution from being generated back at the electricity plant.

2. How do you heat your home or apartment?
Electric Heat
Natural Gas Heat
Oil Heat
Propane Heat
Coal Heat

If you use a form of heat other than what is listed above, please Contact Us so we can add your option to our list!

The type of heat you have in your home can have a substantial impact on your carbon footprint. Natural gas releases the least amount of CO2 into the atmosphere with its combustion. Then comes oil, then propane is worse. Only coal and wood are even more emission-filled.

3. How much do you spend a month on your heat bill, in US dollars? If you use electric heat put 0 here, because you've already indicated above what your monthly electric bill is and it includes your heat.

Anything you can do to reduce your monthly heating bill reduces not only your expenses but also your carbon footprint. If you insulate your house and drop your oil consumption by half, for example, not only are you greatly helping your monthly budget but you're also helping out the environment as well!

Green Living and Carbon Footprints
BellaOnline Green Living Carbon Footprints main page
How to Calculate your Carbon Footprint
Ways to Offset your Carbon Footprint
Reduce your Carbon Footprint
Carbon Footprint Statistics
Determining the Carbon Footprint of a Webserver
FREE Green Living Ebook Series

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