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Callaway Winery Temecula CA
Cite du Vin - Bordeaux's New Wine Attraction
Finger Lakes Wine and Dr Konstantin Frank
Creation Wines, South Africa
Frozen Rose Wine is Frose
Sour Grapes - Movie Review
Secrets of Jacquez, Black Spanish and Lenoir
Steep Slopes Make Memorable Riesling
What is Orange Wine?
Sideways - The Play
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Callaway Winery Temecula CA
When Peter F May visited Callaway Vineyards and Winery in 2002 it was the largest winery in in California’s Temecula Valley. Now under private ownership it is a small boutique operation hand making quality wines. Peter took a tour.
Cite du Vin - Bordeaux's New Wine Attraction
La Cité du Vin in Bordeaux, France is a fun cultural centre celebrating all aspects of wine. Its permanent exhibition has superb state of the art interactive displays with translations into 10 languages via a small computer and headphones.
Finger Lakes Wine and Dr Konstantin Frank
Dr Frank proved that classic vinifera wine grapes could succeed in the cold of north east America. 'Finger Lakes Wine and the Legacy of Dr Konstantin Frank' by Tom Russ is primarily the biography of Dr Frank, and his family from before his birth to after his death in 1985.
Creation Wines, South Africa
Carolyn Martin, who with husband Jean-Claude owns Creation Wines, an estate in the Hemel-en-Arde Valley south of Cape Town at Walker Bay recentlly held a tasting of their wines. Peter F May was there.
Frozen Rose Wine is Frose
Frosé is the surprise summer hit, says Peter F May. It's pink wine and fruit that's been frozen into slush. Cold, refreshing and good looking. What's not to like?
Sour Grapes - Movie Review
Sour Grapes is fast paced movie about a multi-million dollar scam in rare old wines, and how a tenacious band of wine lovers turned sleuths to reveal the truth. Peter F May watched in amazement aa people paying the price of a luxury car for one wine bottle didn't even 'kick the tyres'.
Secrets of Jacquez, Black Spanish and Lenoir
MJacquez is an old grape variety that few have heard of, but it has played an important role in at least three areas. Now DNA testing has revealed new information about its origins that may have a great impact on today's viticulture.
Steep Slopes Make Memorable Riesling
A river cruise from Budapest,Hungary to Amsterdam,Netherlands took Peter F May down the Rhine past the Mosel. He went along the Mosel to see some of the world's steepest vineyards and to taste the Riesling wines they produce.
What is Orange Wine?
What is Orange Wine? Or –– Orange is the new White! The choice has been red or white or pink, but increasingly now there’s a new colour to add to your palate’s palette. Peter F May gets to grip with a white wine that wants to be red and ends up orange!
Sideways - The Play
The movie Sideways was a great hit but Rex Pickett,author of the source novel wanted to take back control of his story and wrote a play. Peter F May saw its European premiere
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