
10 'Keeps' For Journaling
If you do these ‘keeps’ your journaling will become more than a habit, it will be a blessing.
100 Journal Sites To See
Many still write out their journaling thoughts, but many have moved to the Internet or mobile device for their journaling needs. The links listed are for those who have migrated to the Internet.
12 Questions To Ask
There are 12 basic questions one should ask a person who journals regularly. These questions will help those wanting to begin. When one is new to journaling there are many thoughts and processes to consider
Art Journal Blogs
Keep track of the blogs that are written by art journalists around the world.
Art Journal Projects
Create your own one-of-a-kind mixed media journals!
Art Journaling Technqiues
Stamping, painting, collaging, image tranfers, and other technqiues you can incorporate in to your art journals!
Art Journals Online
Unlike art journal blogs which are regularly updated and have feedback and comments pages, these are direct scans of art journal page created by artists and journals around the world!
Beginning Anew
Making New Years resolutions is pointless if they are random phrases. Those who journal have the best advantage at keeping New Years resolutions, providing they begin 2012 correctly.
Book Report Journals
Book Report Journaling became my newest project. My daughter and I read constantly. We share our passion with my daughter’s mother in law, her friend and my sister. We began journaling about the characters, story plot and found great insights to our views and world.
Books I've Read Journal
I stumbled across Powell’s Bookstore in Portland, OR. Powell’s is a full city block 3 story bookstore with every imaginable type of book. It was incredible!
Excerpt´s From Aisling D´Arts Personal Art Journals [offsite link]
Aisling D´Art, BellaOnline´s Feng Shui editor, took the time to scan many many of her art journal pages to share with others interested in the craft. You can see them all here!
Five Year Journal ~ Make it a Habit!
There is a simple tool called ‘One Line a Day: A Five Year Memory Book’ that is a journal perfect for those needing to build daily journal writing into a habit.
How To Collage In Your Art Journal [offsite link]
Great basic information from personal site of BellaOnline´s Feng Shui host, Aisling D´Art!
Is Your Blog Sticky?
Most journalers are also bloggers. The term ‘sticky blog’ is not widely used but very relevant today. Bloggers are told that the layout of their website is key for return visits however this is not entirely true.
Journaling Cautions
Journaling has so many aspects that are easily used and abused. There are many buzz words that promise the moon but deliver disappointment and disillusion.
Journaling Memories of the Heart
‘Memories of the Heart’ seem to relay the meaning of the past, long ago and forgotten events of our life. We would like to forget when a loved one died and only remember their life, we would like to forget pain of a lost love, a lost job, a bad decision, but we cannot forget.
Journaling Promises
Journaling promises great changes in a persons life. Journaling promises to relieve stress. Journaling promises to be an unbiased sounding board. Journaling promises to remind us not to make the same mistakes. Right?
Journaling Tools ~ Physical
When we hear the word ‘tools’ we think of physical instruments needed to complete a task. If you are building a house one of the tools you need is a hammer, right? However, there are many different types of tools besides the ‘physical' ones. Let's explore journaling tools together.
Journaling With Your Kids This Summer
To motivate children to journal they need to see journaling as fun and beneficial. This summer would be a perfect time to be creative. Journaling does not always have to be writing
New Years Resolution?
2011 began with the best of intentions and writing in your journal each day seem to start off strong. By this time of the year many have given up all together. Are you one of the discouraged guilty resolutionist?
Reflection Journals in Education
Students begin learning to journal early in their education. The reasons behind this practice are that journal writing assists students in a vast array of areas. Building a habit, such as journal writing, has proven to enrich the student’s ability to reflect and process...
Rosenberg Self Esteem Test
Rosenberg Self Esteem test has been used in over 40 countries for about 45 years. Now you can take the test and let journaling improve their self esteem in the process.
Scrapbook Journal Fonts
What scrapbook journalers seem to always be looking out for are good journaling fonts. A good journaling font says more than just the words written.
Stress & Journaling Go Hand in Hand
Stress and journaling go hand in hand. Clarifying thoughts and feelings when the world around seems to be caving in saves sanity and so journaling can be considered stress management.
Links marked with the [offsite link] designation point to websites not associated with BellaOnline.com. BellaOnline.com is not responsible for the material found there.
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