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Earth Day Challenge

Earth Day comes every April 22nd - and this is the perfect day to kick off an entire month of Earth friendly activities! Join us for our Earth Day challenges. They'll help you live healthily, improve your nutrition, help your environment, and reduce stress!

Earth Day Challenge Check back each day for a fun new challenge. We'll be posting about these in our forums, on Facebook, on Twitter, on Google +, and on pInterest. So no matter which way you like to stay involved on the web, we're here to lend a hand!

Let's have some fun!

Day 1: Drink a Freshly Made Juice
Day 2: Meditate for Five Minutes
Day 3: Drink an Herbal Tea
Day 4: Donate One Item to Charity
Day 5: Declutter One Surface
Day 6: Be Active for Fifteen Minutes
Day 7: Are Your Investments Green?
Day 8: Try Tree Pose
Day 9: Remember One Dream
Day 10: Enjoy Animal Life
Day 11: Write for Ten Minutes
Day 12: Document Your Priorities
Day 13: Tweak Your Lunches
Day 14: Renew Your Spirit
Day 15: Explore Online Classes
Day 16: Enjoy Herbs
Day 17: Map your Goals
Day 18: Watch Inspirational Anime
Day 19: Try Healthy Italian Food
Day 20: Enjoy Healthy Chocolate
Day 21: Celebrate a Mom
Day 22: Try a Beading Project
Day 23: Consider Child Safety
Day 24: Read a Mystery Novel
Day 25: Home Cook a Meal
Day 26: Explore Natural Allergy Remedies
Day 27: Repair Your Clothes
Day 28: What are you Grateful For Today?
Day 29: Make a Plan for your Dream Job
Day 30: Download Free Green Tips Ebooks

Green Living and Carbon Footprints
BellaOnline Green Living Carbon Footprints main page
How to Calculate your Carbon Footprint
Ways to Offset your Carbon Footprint
Reduce your Carbon Footprint
Carbon Footprint Statistics
Determining the Carbon Footprint of a Webserver
FREE Green Living Ebook Series

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